GIRD o déficit de rotación interna glenohumeral:¿tenemos claro qué hacer?
El GIRD o déficit de rotación interna glenohumeral es una de las situaciones clínicas más habituales que se presentan en … + info
El GIRD o déficit de rotación interna glenohumeral es una de las situaciones clínicas más habituales que se presentan en … + info
The adjustment of the training load in rehabilitation exercises is usually done according to factors such as pain (VAS scale), … + info
Initially, the scapular diskinesis was defined as “a nonspecific response to shoulder dysfunction”, as there is no clear association between … + info
“Optimize the movement to improve the human experience” is the objective of the physiotherapy defined in VISION 2020. You´re in … + info
What does this exercise really strengthen?… Rotator cuff strengthening exercise in adduction is one of the most used in shoulder … + info
What if the patient presents an excessive scapular abduction pattern? Do we check it before prescribing this exercise?. For patients … + info